Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Advice Needed!!!

Dear Coach,

I saw your blog and glanced over the WTF article. I could use some advice. Let’s us say that your husband is emotionally abusive, and told you that if you decide to leave the relationship, he would assume full custody of your kids. How would you handle that? If you decide to forgive, how do you get to the point where you have that "oo ah" feeling again?

~WTF…but don’t know how!

Dear WTF,

I think the first thing you must do is address the abuse. If your husband is physically, emotionally, or verbally abusive, this is not a healthy or viable relationship to stay in. Additionally, your children are exposed to behaviors that put them at a higher risk of Depression, Suicide, low self-esteem, and potentially becoming ½ of an abusive relationship themselves. It sounds as if your husband does not intend to stop what he is doing which leaves the ball in your court to make the next move for you and your children.

Regarding the custody, no judge is going to grant either parent FULL custody unless the other is proven to be unfit. Your breakup may not be amicable, but that doesn’t mean that he will be granted total rights to your children. It sounds to me that he is using scare tactics to manipulate your decision. My advice is to do your research. Find out what the law says in your state in regards to custody and base your decision on fact and not assumption!

P.S. You can forgive….but from a distance!

My prayers are with you and your family

~Coach Jessica
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