Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How to Stay Resolute in Your Resolution!!

Happy New Year Everyone!!! With 2011 fast approaching, I’m sure many of you are beginning to consider what things you would like to leave behind in 2010. New Year’s Resolutions have been a time honored tradition since Jesus walked the earth, and I don’t foresee them going anywhere. So what is yours? Are you trying to lose weight, finally getting rid of that bad relationship, moving a good relationship forward, changing career paths, or “getting’ right with Jesus? Whatever your resolution, you are about to embark on a journey that will change your life for the better….or so we hope.

When I was a personal trainer, the owners and the sales staff used to talk about how January was their Christmas. All the “New Years Resolution people” would be touring the gym and buying memberships right and left. The regular members would complain that all these “New Years Resolution people” need to go home “cus they are taking all the good treadmills!!” And sure enough, by February 15th they were gone. The same rules apply in church. The entire month of January the parking lot is full, and newcomers are guaranteed to be sitting in your pew when you get there. But, for some reason, things just magically go back to normal by the time March rolls around! Now ask yourself….is she talking about me?? It’s likely that I am, but no worries…here is how we fix it!

Throughout the year we make promises to ourselves, and break every last one of them. The problem is that every time we break a promise to ourselves, we chip away at whatever trust we have in out ability to see things through. Once that trust has diminished, it is much easier to fail repeatedly. Failing repeatedly leads to a feeling of hopelessness…and well, you know how the rest goes! Raise your hand if you have told yourself that you can’t lose weight because “I’ve always been big so this is just how I am” or “I can’t leave this relationship because he/she is not all that bad…at least I have somebody!” This self defeating self talk destroys any possibility you have of being resolute about your decision. Flip the coin and you will see that people who are in shape are that way because they are resolute in their decision to maintain that lifestyle. Those that have success in their careers have that because they were resolute enough not to give up on their dream. We all must make a choice to succeed. Far too often we don’t try and attribute the success of other to luck or good genes.

In my opinion it isn’t enough to simply make a list of what you want to change in the new-year. Frankly, it isn’t enough to make a plan on how to accomplish those goals! I believe that while you are motivated and excited about making this change, you need to make a list of things that are not justifiable reasons not to succeed. For example: If your resolution is to lose weight your list needs to consist of things like “Having a bad day does not justify me not going to the gym….or allowing myself an extra piece of chocolate cake” All of the things that serve as your triggers to bad habits should be addressed on this list. Second, you need to make reasonable milestones for yourself. The average person loses (at most) 2 lbs a week. You should be able to calculate how much weight (give or take) you can lose in 2 months time. Third, EVERYONE MAKES MISTAKES!!!! Allot yourself two or three mistakes per month and chart them. You want to stay away from the all or nothing attitude as it is not realistic!

Advice Corner

  1. Always remember that you have the right to have a great relationship, or a successful career, or a bangin’ body! Don’t live your life looking into the window of someone else’s house…BUILD YOUR OWN!
  2. Creating boundaries prior to starting your plan will keep you in line on the days that you are discouraged
  3. Make it your business to love yourself enough to make this happen!!!
GOOD LUCK and Be Blessed!!
If you have a burning question or need sensible, sound advice, go to

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