Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Now WEIGHT a minute!!!

Ok so who is willing to admit that you are excited for the holiday just so you can feed yourself the excuse that “this is the only time of year that I can eat what I want, so I might as well enjoy???” Here are the stats that will hurt your feelings…the average person puts on between five and ten pounds annually, all of which are usually accumulated during the holidays!!! The problem is we don’t take the pounds off…we just put keep putting them on! How do you make it through the season of cookies, cakes, pies, cobblers, ham, mac & cheese, and everything else without digging a deeper weight loss hole to get out of?

Read any fitness magazine and they have recipes full of foods that taste like cardboard and substitutions that make you wonder…why even bother? I think differently about the whole thing. While I am an advocate for a healthy lifestyle, I believe also that we can eat what we want……IN MODERATION!!!!! It is my opinion that when we villainize food, all the power is given to the substance as opposed to you having the power to say I’ve had enough. To “Manage” your weight is to be concerned about the quality and quantity of what you are eating. I realize that for many of you, having a food issue is bigger than measuring out cups of rice and hamburger meat but this still can be done. In other words, you CAN lose weight even if you have a food issue. Small changes in your behavior can create major dents in your uphill battle.

#1) Do not measure your success based on an entire day. Break down how often you are evaluating weather or not you had a successful meal or an unsuccessful meal. Each time you eat is another opportunity to do the right thing so start fresh with a good attitude each time! This approach will help you to minimize sabotaging thoughts like “well I ate that piece of pie for breakfast so the plan is ruined for the day, I might as well try again tomorrow”.

#2) Do not measure your body weight or size against the people around you. (i.e. Your friends and family) It is likely that your primary support group looks a lot like you, and if you are using what I call the “Theory of Relativity,” your current size will always be okay…because “at least I’m not as big as my sister, or my man doesn’t mind.” My Theory of Relativity purports that we compare ourselves to others not to address the true magnitude of our own problem. Instead, you should be concerned only with your body weight and how healthy that is!

#3) I believe that often we eat without even realizing that we have eaten. Snacking can truly undo any work that you have done in terms of calorie expenditure in the gym. If this is something you struggle with, I suggest putting the snacks in a place where they cannot be easily obtained. Placing snacks in an odd or uncomfortable place will help you to think twice about what you are about to do while headed to the snack location. Leaving snacks out on the counter is a guaranteed set up that you will unconsciously eat them continuously. Finally, eat your snack in the mirror. If you are a secretive eater, eating in isolation can cause faulty beliefs regarding how much you have actually eaten. Snacking in the mirror will allow you another opportunity to change your mind about what you are doing, and will keep you from eating secretively.
Advice Corner:
 Making small changes can produce BIG results!
 Commit to something that you can trust yourself with. Experiencing some success (at least in the beginning) is very important to motivation.
Make your efforts known to someone that will hold you accountable!
Be Blessed~ If you have a burning question or need sensible, sound advice, go to

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