Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Surviving Setbacks

Hello People-

For my introductory post I decided to write about a topic that has touched many of our lives in recent days. With the unemployment rates floating around 10%, it is likely that someone reading this is either unemployed or underemployed. Perhaps you have lost your home or transportation due to this failed economy; any way you slice it, this was NOT the plan you had for your life. Well the truth is, you are not the only one feeling the pinch.

Part of my journey to Life Coaching began with a series of setbacks. From working in environments that did not support my ethical principals to actually losing my job. Trust me, I am no stranger to disappointments. Soon after losing my job (that I hated!) I began flailing. Looking for work any and everywhere I could find it. But to my dissmay NOTHING was working out for me. Never in my life did I have a problem obtaining a job when I needed one, but here I was with all the doors around me slammed in my face and no options or promise for the future. I am a very spiritual person and I believe fully that we all have a predetermined purpose that we must fulfill in this world. Going against the grain of that purpose, in my experience, leads to nothing but trouble. So I did what I had been doing all along and sought guidance from the most high, but this time.......I listened.

Suddenly it was abundantly clear what I had to do. In the midts of scrapping up the money for the mortgage every month, and affording my daughters most of the luxuries they enjoy, the reality of being underemployed was hitting me like a ton of bricks! I had to realize several things about myself:
#1. I am not built to be someone elses employee
#2. I have to work in an environment where I can create
#3. I have to be able to effect positive change in the lives of others
#4. I have to be in control of my schedule such that my children will be raised my me, and my husband's needs are being feed.

I knew that advice giving has always been a part of who I am, and as a Therapist, I knew I was really good at it. So the decision to move full steam ahead into life coaching seemed like an easy one (seemed being the operative word). Nothing worth having is easily obtained so I have resigned to the idea that everyday it is my resposibility to work at making my dream come true!

Advice Corner:
The only true way to survive a setback is to keep going! Everyday that you rise from your bed is another opportunity to give it another shot. Become very in tune with who you are as an individual , and don't discount your needs. It is within your needs that you find your solution. Don't settle for whatever comes along....yes do what you must to sustain your home and family, but that should not become your permenent reality. Stay hyper focused on your goal and envision yourself in that position as often as possible.

Good Luck....and GET GOING!

Coach Jessica

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